Por aquel entonces, yo no tenía idea alguna de cómo se debía escribir en un blog. Jordi tuvo mucha paciencia y, poco a poco, me enseñó a utilizar las herramientas más elementales con las que poder construir mis primeras noticias. En esos tímidos comienzos, Elblogdeken estaba íntimamente ligado al Grupo de Coleccionistas de Barbie en España en Facebook que, en ese momento, apenas contaba con unos 300 participantes y era un grupo tremendamente familiar. El blog y el grupo de Gloria Díez, se dieron la mano desde el principio, con la clara idea de hacer visible al coleccionista de Barbie en España y de ofrecerle espacios en los que poder compartir, experimentar, debatir y disfrutar su hobbie: el amor por Barbie.
"Lo que realmente me interesaba eran las historias que atesoraba cada coleccionista y que hacían que aquel plástico, fuera algo más que eso: algo realmente valioso"
Desde el principio, Elblogdeken creyó en la necesidad de ofrecer algo diferente a los coleccionistas. Más allá de servir como un mero catálogo en el que mostrar mi colección particular, o la última novedad de la firma, lo que realmente me interesaba eran las historias que atesoraba cada coleccionista y que hacían que aquel plástico, fuera algo más que eso: algo realmente valioso. Comencé así a hacer entrevistas a mis amigos, los coleccionistas del grupo a los que tanto admiraba, teniendo gran aceptación. El blog se hizo popular enseguida, y esto me animó a querer seguir escribiendo. Pero había algo más.

Realmente no sabíamos cómo empezar ni en qué puerta había que tocar, pero sí teníamos muchas ganas, empeño e iniciativa. Entonces, se me ocurrió una idea: imaginé que una Barbie que saliera desde mi casa, podría viajar por España, conocer coleccionistas y fotografiarse con ellos. Podría, de esa manera promover que la gente saliese de sus ordenadores, se conociera y entablara lazos de amistad más allá del mundo virtual. Esa muñeca, podría llamar la atención de la gente y reclamar la celebración de una Convención Nacional. Se llamó Barbie Viajera y partió de Gran Canaria el 21 de marzo de 2012, con un periplo por delante de 13 ciudades y muchas ganas de conocer coleccionistas.

"De alguna manera, me he llegado a identificar con el Ken que escribe este blog en primera persona."

A lo largo de estos años, Elblogdeken ha ido superando los retos que se le han presentado con mucho empeño y ganas de aprender. Ahora, la familia ha crecido para poder seguir ofreciendo a los lectores lo mejor de nosotros. Mon Arena se une a este proyecto como responsable de la imagen de la marca, diseño y guía gráfica mientras que Iván López se encarga de la traducción de los textos al inglés, además de aportarnos su carisma y sensibilidad hacia el coleccionista de Barbie. Además, Lili Star seguirá aportando su magia, humor y belleza, como imagen de nuestros divertidos vídeos.
De alguna manera, me he llegado a identificar con el Ken que escribe este blog en primera persona. Con el chico que siempre espera a Barbie y la quiere incondicionalmente, pase lo que pase. Con ese muñeco rubio que espera que su novia le llame o le escriba desde la distancia de alguno de sus viajes, solo para decirle lo especial que es para ella y cuánto lo necesita. Y así seguiré escribiendo, porque al fin y al cabo, ¿de qué están hechos los sueños sino de plástico?
José Luis Montesdeoca, editor de Elblogdeken
2011 Christmas gave me a very special surprise and, this time, it was not a wonderful Barbie doll or any of her complements. My gift arrived in the form of a phone call from my friend Jordi, -check out your e-mail- he said, - I am giving you a blog for you to share all those passionate stories that you told me with your entire collector friends. That was the birth of Elblogdeken.
By that time, I did not have any idea about how a blog should be written. Jordi was full of patience, and step by step, he taught me how to use the most elementary tools in order to publish my first news. During those shy beginnings, Elblogdeken was tightly linked to the Facebook group Coleccionistas de Barbie en España, which in that time was a very familiar group with about 300 users. My blog and Gloria Diez´s group stretched hands since the very beginning with the idea of giving visibility to the Spaniard’s collector and to offer a space to share, experiment, debate and enjoy their hobby: loving Barbie.
I will never be able to explain the emotion I felt those days. Surprisingly, that crazy idea had worked. A single shot session was needed and the chronicle of the first meeting in my house was published in the local press. A big achievement for a novel blogger! Barbie Viajera (Travelling Barbie) got the newspapers and radio stations attention, and, unexpectedly, communication responsible from Mattel Spain, made contact with me to talk about the idea of celebrating the Barbie Collector´s National Convention. It was craziness!
That girl continued travelling all over Spain, but this time, she was not asking for the desired event, but advertising it, and inviting all collectors under the slogan “Brought together by a passion”. That first travel finished in Barcelona with the celebration of the 1st Barbie Collector´s Convention in Spain. The event was a landmark for the Spanish Barbie Collectors, and supported by the public we decided to organize the 2013 Barbie Collector´s Convention, “A fairy tale encounter”, that took place in October in Madrid, exceeding our expectations. The original organizer´s group of three people, increased to nine and the Facebook group “Coleccionistas de Barbie en España” had more than 1700 members from all over the world.
The adventures and misfortunes from the Barbie Viajera first travel were captured in an exclusive book given to the participants of the 1st Barbie Collector´s Convention in Spain. From the very beginning, the blog has offered the readers exclusive contents. Barbie Viajera´s entries, in addition to reunite collectors from the different cities, is a literary fiction about the love between an intelligent blonde and her Ken, who barely sees her because she is always between planes and trains. Furthermore, we bet for interviewing anonymous collectors, aiming to offer a closer vision of the hobby. We are also interested in thematic articles covering Barbie´s different stages, her world and the art that has accompanied her during 55 years and of course, all the news related with the 3rd Barbie Collector´s Convention in Spain!!!
About this blog

By that time, I did not have any idea about how a blog should be written. Jordi was full of patience, and step by step, he taught me how to use the most elementary tools in order to publish my first news. During those shy beginnings, Elblogdeken was tightly linked to the Facebook group Coleccionistas de Barbie en España, which in that time was a very familiar group with about 300 users. My blog and Gloria Diez´s group stretched hands since the very beginning with the idea of giving visibility to the Spaniard’s collector and to offer a space to share, experiment, debate and enjoy their hobby: loving Barbie.
"I was interested in the personal stories that each collector treasured, stories that made that plastic, more than that: something really precious. "
Since the very beginning, Elblogdeken believed in offering something different to the collectors. Beyond being a catalogue of my private collection, or showing the last novelty from the firm, I was interested in the personal stories that each collector treasured, stories that made that plastic, more than that: something really precious. I began to interview my friends, collectors from the group that I admired, having a lot of acceptance. The blog became popular rapidly, encouraging me to keep on writing. But there was something else.
Being conscious of the little history, divided, fragmented, and sometimes, very particular or reduced that Barbie collector have had in my country- Barbie was not sold in Spain until 1976 because we were under a fascist government- Gloria, Mon Arena and myself, desired a big event that brought physically together the people that, each day, shared their pictures and comments on the net or avidly read the articles from this blog. It was then, we decided to dive into the crazy idea of organizing the 1st Spanish Barbie Collector Convention.
Honestly, we did not know how to begin or what door have to be knocked but we were full of illusion and initiative. Then, I came up with an idea: I imagined a Barbie doll leaving my house, and travelling all over Spain, knowing collectors and making pictures with them. By this way, I would encourage people to leave their computers, meet each other and establish a friendship far from the virtual world. That doll, would get the attention from people and would be a call in order to celebrate a National Convention. She was called Barbie Viajera and left Gran Canaria Island on March 21st 2012, with the aim of visiting 13 cities and a lot of collectors.

"In some way, I have felt myself as the Ken who writes this blog, with the boy always waiting for Barbie, who loves her unconditionally. "

Throughout all this years, Elblogdeken has overcome the different challenges presented with tenacity and learning effort. Now, the family has grown to keep on offering our readers the best of us. Mon Arena joins this project as responsible for the brand image, design and graphic guide, whereas Iván López will translate texts into english, in addition to contribute with his charisma and sensibility towards Barbie collector´s. Furthermore, Lili Star, will still bring her magic, humor and beauty as the image of our funny videos.
In some way, I have felt myself as the Ken who writes this blog, with the boy always waiting for Barbie, who loves her unconditionally. With that blond doll waiting for a phone call or a message from her girlfriend in the distance, just saying how special he is and how much she needs him. And this way, I will keep on writing, because at the end, are not all dreams made of plastic?
José Luis Montesdeoca, Elblogdeken editor
ResponderEliminarHermoso relato... Muchas felicidades!!! Adelante... Saludos desde Argentina!
ResponderEliminarMuchísimas gracias Leandro!!! Seguiremos con muchísima ilusión!!!